Performance Roots
Performance Roots
Our Vision is to become the leading corporate training & consultancy firm operating in International Markets. We aim to help organizations achieve corporate excellence by incorporating deep rooted learning resulting in high performance
Delivering customized quality learning solution that translates the organizations vision into an actionable plan link employee training to clients business needs. Help organizations setting Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and achieving them thru intense training to measure performance. To ensure continuous innovation and implement unique experiential learning methodologies to all assignments undertaken. The ultimately aim is to facilitate employees in creating an impact and making a difference to the organization.
Trainings Conducted by Performance Roots in Oman and GCC are as below:
IT Trainings
Storage Area Network(SAN) Technology l & ll Training, Information Security Awareness-Tools & Techniques, compTIA A+, N+ Network Security, Project Management, Primavera, VMware vSphereFast Track, Storage(SAN), Project Management, Primavera, ITIL, , ASP. NET, VB, Microsoft SQL, C#, Advanced C#, Intermediate & Advanced Excel, PMP, CISCO-VPN, Firewall, Oracle 11g Intro to SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle 11g Database Administration Workshop, IBM-AIX Trainings AS 400, AN100, AN120, AN300, AN410, Risk Management.
ISO Trainings (Lead Auditor Official Course)
ISO– 14001:2004 EMS Lead Auditors Course, ISO 9001:2008 QMS Quality Management Systems, ISO 18001:2007 OHSAS-Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems.
HSE Trainings
HSE-Risk Assessment & Mitigation Methods, Behaviour, Safety.
Management Trainings
Decision Making, Reflective Leadership, Executive Coaching, Change Management, Team Management, Emotional Intelligence, Business Etiquette and Cross Cultural Skills, Finance For Non-Finance, Effective Communication, Selling Skills, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills, Interviewing Skills, Performance Appraisals, Train The Trainer, Money Laundering, Contract Management, Negotiating Contracts Effectively, Negotiation Skills for Procurement Professionals and many more.
Our esteemed clients are Petroleum Companies, Telecom Companies, Construction Companies, Aviation sector, FMCG Companies in India, Oman, Bahrain, Dubai, Qatar.